Analysis Of Be A Gamer Save The World By Jane Mcgonigal

A world filled with fantasies and pleasure that the real world can’t give you. Jane is an incredible person she creates her own video games and she has written many of her own books. She is a world-renowned designer of an alternate reality, she believes that “game designers are on a humanitarian mission — and her #1 goal in life is to see a game developer win a Nobel Peace Prize” (McGonigal pg.1). For example, the author Jane McGonigal, wrote “Be a Gamer, Save the World,” published on January 22, 2011, in the Wall Street Journal, and she argues that we all think that playing video games is a way to escape reality, but gamers could change the world. Jane McGonigal effectively uses statistics and facts, and she successfully uses ethos and logos …show more content…
She points out the facts about how games can end poverty: “more than 19,000 players of EVOKE, an online game that I created for the World Bank Institute, undertook real-world missions to improve food security, increase access to clean energy and end poverty in more than 130 countries” (para. 13). These facts support the idea that people who play video games can help change the world. McGonigal keeps supporting her argument with many more statistics, for instance, “in 2010 more than 57,000 gamers were listed as co-authors for a research paper in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. The gamers with no previous background in biochemistry had worked in a 3D game environment called Foldit, folding virtual proteins in new ways that could help cure cancer or prevent Alzheimer’s” …show more content…
She is a part of the games for change community and this community strengthens the fields of social impact games. The people in charge of this community make games and help others make games that could be real life situations. Knowing that many people in the world can make a difference McGonigal did even more research and she estimated that if we as a society want to live and make a difference we all need to play at least 21 million hours of games a week. She also has done research on the benefits of playing video games and this research has caused many people to follow and believe in what she is saying, which is that one-day gamers can save the

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