Education Law Treatises

This introductory text captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, i.e., cyberbullying, and the range of procedural due process interests. Further addresses the range of constitutional rights and protections for teachers as well as employment terms and conditions, including contracts, tenure and potential liabilities. The Law of Schools, Students and Teachers in a Nutshell is also available online via West Academic Study Aids.

Call Number: KF4209.3 .C653

This Nutshell presents an overview of legal topics relating to special education services for students in K-12 education. Topics covered include: historical background, Section 504 coverage, IDEA coverage, child find, evaluations, IEPs, disciplinary issues, due process hearings, and state administrative complaints. The chapters include model forms, sample evaluations and IEPs. Also provides examples from a variety of state practices. Special Education Law in a Nutshell is also available online via West Academic Study Aids.

Call Number: KF4119 .M38

Renowned authors Martha M. McCarthy, Nelda H. Cambron-McCabe and Suzanne E. Eckes blend detailed treatment of landmark cases with a thorough discussion of the legal context, trends, and generalizations to guide all school personnel in their daily activities. This book addresses legal principles applicable to practitioners in a succinct but comprehensive manner, the most important points of the cases and how the cases will impact their practices.

Call Number: KF4119 .E84

Covers the key legal issues that affect schools and education in the United States today in a practical, easy-to-read and understand manner. Key Topics Include: Religious controversies, social media, Facebook and Twitter, performance-based teacher evaluations, natural disasters and school safety, Bullying and Cyberbullying, virtual charter schools, teacher performance and misconduct, school curriculum and special interest groups, religious endorsement and coercion test, permissible student-initiated prayer, child abuse reporting, 504 Rehabilitation Plans, meditation in schools as a mental health exercise and a landmark ruling in Texas on discrimination in admissions.

Call Number: KF4210 .R68

Provides a comprehensive, and student-friendly overview of the major federal laws--and judicial interpretations of those laws--that apply to the education of children with special needs. Laura Rothstein and Scott F. Johnson thoroughly present the most up-to-date information on special education statutes, regulations, and judicial interpretations, including substantial changes in the interpretation of the legistlation. The text helps students understand what the law requires so that they can develop policies and make decisions that comply with these laws.

In-Depth Resources

Nationally-oriented 7-volume loose-leaf treatise. Covers both federal and state laws affecting public and private educational institutions at all levels.

This annually-updated treatise includes discussions of issues of public education and religion, freedom of expression, freedom of expression, due process, gender, race, and educating children with disabilities.

Call Number: KF4225 .P67

Dealing with issues ranging from academic freedom to job security and faculty discipline, lawyers, legal requirements, and lawsuits has become an established part of the apparatus of American higher education. Higher Education Law was written to help faculty and administrators navigate critical legal issues and avoid potential legal pitfalls. This text explains the law as it pertains to faculty activities both inside and outside the academy, including faculty roles as scholars, teachers, and members of institutional communities, as well as employees and public citizens. Higher Education Law: The Faculty is also available online via ProQuest Ebook Central.

Call Number: KF4119 .D63

This one-volume treatise summarizes and explains a myriad of legal trends and principles in the rich and varied field of American education law. The second edition of Practical Education Law for the Twenty-First Century is divided into ten chapters, each dealing with a substantive area in education law. Topics covered include school finances, school search and crime issues, residency and fee issues, basic labor law, alternative education and vouchers, injuries to students, athletics, and the overall organization and regulation of public education. Within each chapter are a number of concise sections that address specific legal concerns. Citations are nationwide in scope and include references to updated federal and state case law, federal statutory law, and state statutory law. Practical law tips appear throughout the volume.