Residential Permit Parking District Program (RPPD)


The Fairfax County Residential Permit Parking District (RPPD) program was created to reduce traffic in residential areas, protect those areas from the environmental impacts of commuting, and allow access to properties. This is accomplished by creating on-street parking restrictions on public roadways in designated areas in accordance with the Code of the County of Fairfax, Chapter 82, Article 5A.

Establishing or Expanding a Residential Permit Parking District

Click here to view the RPPD Map (Interactive map of existing RPPDs)

Residential Permit Parking Districts are normally created in areas near high schools, Virginia College or University campuses, or Metrorail stations where the availability of parking for residents is affected by non-resident parking.

A minimum of 100 contiguous or nearly contiguous on-street parking spaces, 20 linear feet in length per space is required to establish any new Residential Permit Parking District. This minimum applies to new Districts only, and is not required for expansions of existing Districts.


    Distance: Residential public road/s within 2,000 ft. walking distance from a pedestrian entrance and/or 1,000 ft. from the property boundary of a high school, Virginia College/University or metro station pedestrian entrance


  1. A request is made by the HOA* to the local District Supervisor. All requests should include the extent of the requested area, the perceived source of the parking issue, and when the parking is the most egregious. Requests for NEW Residential Permit Parking Districts should also include the desired time and days of restriction.
  2. District Supervisor’s office forwards request to FCDOT.
  3. FCDOT reviews road/s documenting eligibility for restriction and conducts field review if required.
  4. If eligibility is confirmed, an official petition is issued by FCDOT.
  5. The community gathers signatures verifying at least 60% support for the entire proposed area and more than 50% support along each block face.
  6. Fee of $10 per signed petition address and completed petition are returned to District Supervisor. Please verify that the dollar amount correctly corresponds to the number of signatures collected before submitting to the District Supervisor’s office.
  7. The District Supervisor forwards the verified petition and fee to FCDOT for review.
  8. The Board of Supervisors conducts a public hearing to consider the proposed RPP District.
  9. If approved, FCDOT installs "No Parking Except by Permit" signs on all affected roads according to established federal, state , and local sign placement policies and standards.

Temporary Residential Permit Parking Districts: Temporary RPPDs may be established to address short-term situations, such as a specific construction project, which lasts at least six months in duration and creates temporary parking problems in adjacent residential areas. A temporary district must be approved by the Board of Supervisors through Public Hearing.

* Homeowner's Association (HOA) implies civic association, community association, etc., as applicable. Where there is no HOA representing an area, a written request signed by residents of at least ten residences or 60% of the residences in the proposed area, whichever is less, may be submitted to the District Supervisor for consideration of RPPD inclusion.